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Coppia Roma, Lazio OFFLINE
Ultimo Login: Piu di 1 anno fa    |    Su Annunci69.it dal 04.03.2022    |    10.252

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We are a sophisticated, well educated, open-minded and real mixed couple with kids. My ebony wife is in her early 40s and I am white in my early 50s. We have a long experience in this beautiful swinging world in Italy and other countries. We are looking for single men and very select couples in the Rome area. Men must be older than 38 years, well educated and mannered, very clean, dress classy, sophisticated, smell good, 100% hetero, and with a big dick that you know how to use. This is an erotic game and you must know how to play the game if you want to play with us. We are not looking for fuck'n'run!

With all due respect, no beginners, no youngsters, no bisex, no trans, no uneducated, no mercenaries, no tennis shoes, no gym pants.

My wife loves to dress sexy and classy to show off her erotic femininity, tease in front of others and to excite men. She has an amazing body with big breasts, large nipples that are always hard, nice ass, tight shaved pussy, soft skin, and big lips. I love to share her body with strangers. I like to watch my wife drive men crazy and she likes to be shared for unlimited pleasure. She loves to be meet strangers and get to know them first with talk, drink and passionate caressing and kissing before enjoying long, slow intimate (or naughty wild!) sex. If the feeling is right, then she will be your unlimited sex toy, hotwife and bitch. She prefers single men and small groups. I first watch (cuckold) and then join. I am 100% hetero.

Attention! We only will meet and play in swinger clubs because we like the sexy, erotic and public atmosphere. We keep our private and family life separate so do not ask us to meet you at home, bar, hotel, parking, carsex, or anywhere else. We will not reply. If you do not like the club scene or cannot afford it, then do not write to us. We do not want to waste anyone's time here.

We only reply if you speak some English (no Google Translator!), older than 38 years, and 100% hetero. Thank you.

#cuckold #scambiocompleto #gangbang #club #prive #hotwife #sexy #troia #cagna #esibizionista #black #ebony #california #America

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